to start out. yes i know some of you gaytards out there will be saying it's pointless cause the whole point of a wireless controller is to be wireless, if so...please gtfo of my video. and btw, i DON'T do this. i got 2 wireless controllers and 3 "official microsoft" rechargeable packs, this is to help out other people. (think, useful if you already have the supplies, if not, be reasonable and just buy a 20 bucks charge kit if the supplies are going to cost you anything near that. it wont, but buying LEDs over and over...yeah you get me. just be really careful not to burn out and waste LEDs by giving it the usb's full 5V, instead of sharing the voltage with the controller) supplies... USB CORD RED MEDIUM LED (PREFERABLY MORE IN CASE YOU BURN THEM OUT) SOME CABLE, UNLESS YOUR USB CORD IS BIG ENOUGH. SCISSORS OR SOMETHING TO PEEL THE CABLES SOLDERING IS OPTIONAL, PREFERED NOT TO CAUSE IT'D BE A DRAG TO REMOVE THE LED IF YOU BURN IT OUT. cut a usb wire that you don't need or is just lying around. forget about the white and green wires, cut them off if they bother you. peel off a little from the red and black. connect it either to another long ass usb extension cord or get some wire and wire them to the red and black and make it as long as you want. go to radioshack and ask for a red LED. i would recommend to look for the variety pack, though red works the best, other colors don't due to voltage differences. what i did was put the LED between the usb wire and the extension ...